Professor Tianshu Wang

“superbly talented pianist”
“prodigious technique and eloquent phrasing”
Teaching Languages
_ English, Chinese
Steinway Artist
Professor and Head of Keyboard Area
Conservatory of Music
Capital University
Columbus, OH
Acclaimed by the press as a “superbly talented pianist” who plays with “prodigious technique and eloquent phrasing”, Steinway Artist Tianshu Wang has graced concert stages in the United States, China, Denmark, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand, Korea and Taiwan. Winner of many competitions including a national first prize, she is active in both solo and collaborative concerts and has performed with major orchestras in China and the United States. She has performed in Carnegie Hall and appeared live on CCTV as a soloist. An advocate in new music, she has premiered a number of piano compositions. Respected as a distinguished artist and teacher in her native China, Tianshu Wang was featured in a cover story of the country’s most prestigious piano magazine, Piano Artistry.
Dr. Wang is currently Professor and Head of the Keyboard Area at Capital University’s Conservatory of Music in Columbus, Ohio. She received the Praestantia Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2011, the highest honor given to a faculty member at the university. Most recently, she was recognized as the 2017 Faculty Scholarship Award recipient. She has been featured in a cover story of the Capital Magazine, “Crossing the Musical Boarders”. Prior to Capital, she served on the piano faculty of Sweet Briar College in Virginia. From 2002 to 2016, she has been the Dean of Piano School at Shenyang Conservatory of Music in China.
Dr. Wang holds degrees from the University of Arizona (M.M. and D.M.A. in Piano Performance) and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (B.M. in Piano Performance). Her teachers include Zhu Yafen, who also taught Lang Lang, and Nicholas Zumbro, a student of the legendary Rosina Lhévienne.
Dr. Wang has given lectures and masterclasses at many prestigious music schools and in 2016, she presented at the national conference of Music Teacher’s National Association with a topic “One Road to Success: Understanding Motivation and Work Ethic in Asian Culture”, and was an artist faculty member of the Cleveland International Music Festival. She also chaired the judging panel at the 2016 China-Korea International Music Competition in Wonju, Korea.
Tianshu Wang’s biography appears in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who of American Women, and Who’s Who in China. The CD set “Encyclopedia of Chinese Classical Piano Music” in which she is featured as a major performer, has been a best seller in China; chamber music CDs were published by Albany, Mark Records, and Liaoning Record Company. Her solo album entitled “Piano in China” that was released on the Albany label was featured on the cover of Fanfare magazine (March/April issue of 2012) with an extensive interview article and some enthusiastic reviews. The most recent CD publications include “Journey to North America - Trio Bella Voce” by Liaoning Music Press, “Liu Dunnan’s Four Folk Pieces” by Shanghai Music Press, and “Sonatas for Violin and Piano by R. Strauss and Schnittike” on the Sheva label in Italy.
王天舒 简历
王天舒现任美国俄亥俄州首府大学音乐学院键盘系主任及终身教授,并在沈阳 音乐学院担任特聘教授。在此之前她曾任教于有百年历史的女子名校斯威特.布莱 尔大学, 并于 2002-2016年兼任沈阳音乐学院钢琴系主任。王天舒教授早年曾就读于沈阳音乐学院附中, 1991年在上海音乐学院钢琴系毕业并留校任教, 后赴美深造, 于1999年在亚利桑那大学音乐学院取得钢琴演奏及室内乐博士学位。
做为国际施坦威艺术家, 王天舒活跃于世界各地的舞台上, 与许多知名交响乐团合作演出。2016年11月, 她在卡内基音乐厅举行独奏音乐会。出版的CD有《与生俱来的温柔》(Born to be Mild)【钢琴与小号】、《梦幻与舞蹈》(Dances and Dreams)【钢琴与长号】、《天籁之音-北美音乐之旅》【钢琴与小提琴及圆号】,《刘敦南钢琴独奏组曲〈民谣四首〉》(上海音乐出版社)以及《中国古典钢琴曲大全》(九州音像出版社)。其独奏专辑《钢琴音乐神州行》(Piano in China) 由美国阿尔贝尼音像出版社发行,好评不断,专访及评论文章见于美国权威唱片杂志 Fanfare (《号角》) 和 American Record Guide (《美国唱片指南》)。此外,《斯特劳斯及施尼特凯小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》(意大利榭瓦音像出版社)将在近期问世。
王天舒博士每年应邀在许多大学讲学, 2016年4月,她在全美音乐教师协会年会上做专题演讲,与同仁交流跨东西方文化的教学心得。同年7月她以评委会主席的身份出席第二届中韩艺术节,并在美国克利夫兰国际音乐节上做大师班授课及音乐会的演出。热衷于推广新作品,王天舒首演了多位中外作曲家的新作, 2017年10月以特邀钢琴家的身份出席印第安纳现代音乐节并做题为“中国钢琴音乐笔记”的讲座音乐会。此前她还受聘于中央文化部、中国音乐家协会、中央音乐学院、中央电视台及美国音乐教师协会在国内外重要钢琴比赛中担任评委, 并在2014CCTV钢琴大赛的决赛直播现场登台做示范演奏。王天舒教授的学生在钢琴比赛中成绩优异, 屡获殊荣。她曾是中国《钢琴艺术》及美国Capital杂志的封面人物。2011年王天舒博士荣获首府大学最高荣誉“普列斯坦萨”勋章,并 于2017年荣获学校颁发的杰出学 者奖。她是中国浙江艺高文化创意有限公司的签约艺术家。