Professor Takahiro Hoshino

Teaching Languages
_ English, Japanese
Teaching Period (2024)
_ August 10 (arrival) - 16 (departure)
Associate Professor
at the Music Department of
Ueno Gakuen University
Lecturer at Showa University of Music
After working at Toho Gakuen College, studied abroad at the Hungarian National Liszt Conservatory as a Hungarian government-sponsored international student. He has won many national competitions and international competitions such as Maria Canals, Viotti, Cantu, Masterplayers, and TIM Roma, and has won top prizes.
Invited to international music festivals all over Europe and performed with orchestras in Japan and abroad. Transferred to T & K Classics (Takagi Clavier Group) as an exclusive artist.
In recent years, with the cooperation of Takagi Clavier, he has shortened the distance from "Horowitz's Lovely Piano" Vintage NY Steinway CD75. In addition to being an associate professor at the Faculty of Music at Ueno Gakuen University, a lecturer at Showa University of Music, and a lecturer at the Faculty of Music at Toho Gakuen University, he is also a visiting lecturer at Sapporo Conservatoire, a representative director of the Japan Arts Federation, and a representative of FIERTÉ and FIERTÉ Piano Academy. He is also an invited professor at the Euro Music Festival & Academy in Halle, Germany.
So far, CD "LISZT-SCHUBERT" (AUCD-6), "Passion / Kreisleriana" (AUCD-18), "LISZT I ~ Confrontation with the Inner Abyss ~", "Passion" from NYS Classics, "STORY" Released. It has been highly evaluated, such as being selected as a special edition by a record art magazine and a recommended edition by a contemporary music magazine.
Recital / Concerto Live http://www.youtube.com/hoshinopiano
タカヒロ・ホシノ Takahiro Hoshino♪
ピアニスト/T&K Classics タカギ・クラヴィアグループ専属アーティスト
FIERTÉ/FIERTÉ Piano Academy代表
Piano Salon Shinozaki代表
上野学園大学音楽学部ピアノ科准教授 演奏家コース主任
Euro Music Festival & Academy(ドイツ/ハレ、ライプツィヒ)招聘教授
孝宏星教授(Takahiro Hoshino)毕业于桐朋学园大学后,他曾作为匈牙利政府资助的国际学生赴匈牙利李斯特音乐学院留学。他还赢得了许多国家和国际比赛,如玛利亚·卡拉斯钢琴比赛,维奥蒂钢琴比赛,坎图钢琴比赛,大师级演奏家钢琴比赛,蒂姆·罗马钢琴比赛,并获得最高奖项。
孝宏星教授受邀参加欧洲各地的国际音乐节,并与日本及国外的交响乐团合作演出,后成为“T & K古典タカギクラヴィア株式会社”的独家艺术家。 近年来,孝宏星教授与“タカギクラヴィア株式会社”合作,并发行了专辑《霍洛维茨的可爱钢琴》(Horowitz’s Lovely Piano)。除了在上野学园大学音乐学院担任副教授外,他还在昭和音乐大学,东和学园大学音乐学院、札幌音乐学院担任客座讲师、同时他还是日本艺术联合学院和“FIERTE钢琴学院”的代表,以及德国哈雷欧洲音乐节暨学院的特邀教授。
他还曾发行专辑《李斯特舒伯特》(AUCD-6)、《热情和克莱斯特偶记》(AUCD-18)、《李斯特与内心深渊的对抗》、《热情》(NYS Classics)、《故事》等。这些专辑得到了很高的评价,例如被《唱片艺术杂志》选为特刊和被《当代音乐杂志》推荐。