Rita D'Arcangelo - Lecturer

In the panorama of international soloists, Rita D'Arcangelo is appreciated not only for great musicality and virtuosity but above all for the unmistakable personal characteristics of the sounds and timbres of her performances.

Teaching Languages
_ English, German, Italian
Teaching Dates (2025 Summer)
_ August 10 - 14
The State German University
BTU - Cottbus
Department of Music
Rita D'Arcangelo began her flute studies at the State Conservatory of Music in Pescara, Italy, where she graduated with distinction, studying with Sandro Carbone. She holds degrees from the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, the International Academy of Music in Milan, where she studied with Raffaele Trevisani, and the Hochschule für Musik in Mannheim (Master in Orchestral Studies and Soloist Diploma), where she studied with Jean-Michel Tanguy. It was her privilege to participate in the first Italian masterclass held by Sir James Galway, and has since attended masterclasses with Galway in Italy and Switzerland, where in Weggis (2008) she was awarded both the Marc Rich Foundation Scholarship for Artistic Achievement and as winner of 1st prize selected by popular vote, the 14k gold Nagahara flute headjoint. In other competitions she has won 1st prize at the flute competition of the Rotary Club of Pescara, 2nd prize at the 11th International Flute Competition "A. Ponchielli" in Cremona (no 1st prize was awarded), 1st place in the flute solo section and 2nd prize overall at the International Flute Competition "F. Kuhlau" in Uelzen (Germany) and a 1st prize at the Alexander and Buono International Flute Competition for 2011 in New York City.
Ms. D'Arcangelo gave her Carnegie Hall debut recital in October, 2011. Ms. D'Arcangelo got her first orchestral experiences with the Youth Orchestra of Abruzzo (Italy) and has since served as first flute with several orchestras in Italy and abroad, including the the orchestral academy of the Orchestra Sinfonica "A. Toscanini" in Parma, L'Orchestre des Jeunes de l'Union Européenne, the University Orchestra of Milan, Kurpfaelzische Kammer Orchester, and with the Philharmonie der Nationen, with whom she toured in Germany, Holland, Italy, England, Poland, Spain and China. In 2008 she was selected, after an international competition, to be a member of the Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra (Japan) under the artistic direction of Yutaka Sado.
She was principal flautist with the Hyogo orchestra from September 2008 to March 2011, during which time she played more than 300 concerts in the most prestigious concert halls in Japan and participated in recordings for Japanese National Radio and Television (NHK). During this period she also served as guest principal flautist with the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra. From May of 2011 to November 2013 she held the position of principal flautist with the CEA Filharmonia Gorzowska-Gorzow Orchestra (Poland) under the artistic direction of Piotr Borkowski and since October 2013 she is principal flautist with the United Chamber Orchestra and flute soloist with Motion String Orchestra in Berlin.
As soloist, she has recorded for the German radios SR2, SWR and WDR and the Vatican Radio. In 2006 she was invited to perform W. A. Mozart's "Concerto in D-major" (K314) for the opening of the Mozart Year in the City of Mannheim in the prestigious Rosengarten Theater. She performed the Joaquin Rodrigo "Concierto Pastoral" with the BadenBadener Philharmonie in 2008, and in 2009 she performed the Saverio Mercadante "Concerto in e-minor" and the Rodrigo "Concierto" with the Hyogo (Japan) Performing Arts Center Orchestra.
In October 2009, she premiered Rodrigo's "Concierto Pastoral" in Slovenia, where she was invited for a concert tour of the country with the Festine Orchestra, conducted by Ziva Ploj Persuh. The concert in Ljubljana was recorded and broadcast by Slovenian National Television. She has performed as soloist on several occasions with the Filharmonia Gorzowska, with the United Chamber Orchestra at the Oldenburger Festival Promenaden in Germany and in her regular Concerts Tours in Japan. In July 2016 she was invited as Guest Artist at the Sir James Galway Weggis Flute Festival.
As a chamber musician she has collaborated with a variety of ensembles, in Europe, Asia and USA. She is guest flute teacher at the Kansai International Music Academy (Japan) and has given master classes in prestigious music schools in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malta, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and U.S.A.
Rita is currently Flute Lecturer at the Department of Music at the State German University BTU - Cottbus and at private University Akademie für Musik in Berlin.
The published discography includes: Chedeville: The Pastor Fido, 6 sonatas for flute and continuo (Wide Classique 2010); Allegro con Brio (Wide Classique 2012) in duo with Giuliano Mazzoccante, winner of the Award of Excellence in the Instrumental Performance Solo category of the Global Music Awards, Los Angeles, U.S.A; A Virtuoso Journey, (2015 Centaur) winner of the "Gold Medal Winner - Award of Excellence" of the Global Music Awards, Los Angeles, U.S.A; Rita D'Arcangelo - Jakub Kościuszko (QBK - 2016); Solo Bach (Centaur 2017) dedicated to solo flute music by J. S. Bach and C. Ph. E. Bach with also some transcriptions, made by Rita D’Arcangelo, from the repertoire for violin and cello by J.S. Bach; Inspired by Rita D’Arcangelo (QBK - 2019), world-premiere recordings of pieces inspired by her art.
Rita D'Arcangelo is a Nagahara Flutes Artist and plays on a beautiful instrument crafted expressly for her by Kanichi Nagahara.
丽塔·达坎杰洛曾在意大利佩斯卡拉的国立音乐学院学习长笛演奏,并以优异的成绩毕业,师从于桑德罗·卡博内教授。她曾在英国曼彻斯特皇家北方音乐学院、米兰国际音乐学院进修位,师从于拉斐尔·特雷维萨尼教授;她还曾在曼海姆音乐学院获得了管弦乐研究硕士和长笛独奏演奏家文凭,师从于米歇尔·坦吉教授。她曾有幸参加由詹姆斯·高威爵士举办的首届意大利大师班。在2008年韦吉斯国际音乐比赛中,她曾获得马克·里奇基金会艺术成就奖学金和观众最喜爱奖。她曾在佩斯卡拉长笛比赛中获得一等奖、在克雷莫纳第 11 届国际长笛比赛中获得二等奖、在德国国际长笛比赛”中获得二等奖,以及在 2011 年在纽约亚历山大国际长笛比赛和纽约博诺国际长笛比赛中获得一等奖。
丽塔·达坎杰洛女士于2011 年10月在卡内基音乐厅举行了首场独奏会。丽塔·达坎杰洛女士在意大利阿布鲁佐青年管弦乐团担任乐手,此后一直在意大利和国外的多个管弦乐队担任长笛首席演奏家,包括帕尔马交响乐团、欧洲青年管弦乐团、米兰大学管弦乐团。作为独奏家和管弦乐队乐手,她曾在德国、荷兰、意大利、英国、波兰、西班牙和中国等国家登台演出。 2008 年她成为日本兵库表演艺术中心交响乐团成员,该团佐渡丰担任音乐总监。
在此期间,丽塔·达坎杰洛在日本最负盛名的音乐厅举办了 300 多场音乐会,并参与了日本NHK国家广播电视台的录音工作。在此期间,她还担任大阪爱乐乐团的客席首席长笛演奏家。 2011年5月至2013年11月,她在波兰戈尔佐夫斯卡爱乐乐团担任首席长笛演奏家,自2013年10月起,她开始担任联合室内乐团的首席长笛演奏家和柏林管弦乐团的长笛演奏家。
作为独奏家,丽塔·达坎杰洛曾为德国电台 SR2、SWR 和 WDR 以及梵蒂冈电台录制唱片。 2006年,她受邀在曼海姆市著名的罗森加滕剧院为莫扎特年举办开幕演出。 2008 年,她与巴登巴登爱乐乐团合作演奏了华金·罗德里戈创作的《田园协奏曲》。
2009 年10月,丽塔·达坎杰洛在斯洛文尼亚首演了罗德里戈创作的《田园协奏曲》,并由斯洛文尼亚国家电视台录制并播出。作为独奏家,她曾多次与波兰戈尔佐夫斯卡爱乐乐团合作,在德国奥尔登堡音乐节与联合室内乐团合作,并在日本定期举办巡回演出。 2016 年 7 月,她受邀担任詹姆斯·戈尔韦·韦吉斯爵士长笛音乐节的客座艺术家。
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