Kyung Sun Lee - Guest Professor
Short-term courses only

Teaching Languages
_ English, Korean
Professor /
Indiana University
Jacobs School of Music
Artistic Director & Violin /
Seoul Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra
Violinist Kyung Sun Lee captured sixth prize in the 1994 Tchaikowsky Competition, a bronze medal in the 1993 Queen Elizabeth Competition, first prizes of the Washington and D'Angelo International Competitions, and third prize in the Montreal International Competition, where she also won the Audience Favorite and the Best Performance of the Commissioned Work prizes.
Subsequent to winning these awards she has enjoyed ever-increasing popularity as a performer. She has received high critical acclaim: “Exceptional tonal suavity and expressive intensity in equal measure,” commented The Strad. “Godard's ‘Concerto Romantique’ could not have had a more outstanding soloist than Kyung Sun Lee,” proclaimed Harris Goldsmith in the New York Concert Review. “Fluidity and grace; pathos and emotion,” raved the Palm Beach Post. “Lee is the most musical, the most intelligent soloist to have played with the orchestra in quite a while,” maintained the Tuscaloosa News. “Penetrating clarity, a strong sense of style and a technical supremacy that conquered all difficulties with unruffled ease,” announced the Miami Herald. “Beyond superb execution, she conveyed [Vieuxtemps's Concerto no. 5]'s particular Romanticism expertly,” remarked Dennis Rooney in The Strad.
In addition to her busy schedule as soloist and chamber musician, Lee is an accomplished teacher and clinician. After becoming Assistant Professor of Violin at the Oberlin Conservatory in the fall of 2001, then Associate Professor at the University of Houston in the fall of 2006, she is currently Professor at Seoul National University since 2009. She taught for two summers at the Aspen Music Festival, and has also been involved with the Seattle and the Cape Cod Chamber Music Festivals, the Texas Music Festival, and the Great Mountains Music Festival in Korea. Lee is a former member of the acclaimed KumHo/Asiana String Quartet, with whom she toured worldwide. In recent years she has also been in demand as a judge of violin competitions including the International Violin Competition in Switzerland, Seoul International Competition and the Siberia International Competition in Russia.
Kyung Sun Lee studied at Seoul National University, Peabody Conservatory, and Juilliard. Her teachers have included Nam Yun Kim, Sylvia Rosenberg, Robert Mann, Dorothy Delay, and Hyo Kang. She plays a Joseph Guarnerius violin dating from 1723 and she is the music director of Seoul Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra since 2015.
韩国小提琴家李京宣曾获得1994 年的柴科夫斯基音乐大赛中第六名、1993年的伊丽莎白女王大赛中获得铜奖、华盛顿和德安吉洛国际音乐大赛中获得一等奖,她还曾在蒙特利尔国际比赛中获得三等奖,并获得了该赛事的“最受观众喜爱奖”及“委托作品最佳表演奖”。
在斩获各大国际赛事奖项后,作为独奏家的李京宣同时收获了国际乐坛的极高赞誉。The Strad 杂志评论道“她的琴声兼具非凡的音色和表现力。”乐评家哈里斯·戈登·史密斯在其纽约音乐会后评论道:“对于戈达尔《浪漫协奏曲》的演绎,除小提琴家李京宣外,无人能出其右,她的演奏细腻流畅不失优雅,同时兼具悲情色彩。”《棕榈滩邮报》称她是“与管弦乐队同台演出时最有音乐性、最聪慧的小提琴独奏家。”《塔斯卡卢萨新闻》这样描述她的琴艺: “透彻的清晰度、强烈的风格感和技术至上的演奏,她毫不费力地克服了乐曲中所有的困难片段。”《迈阿密先驱报》称赞道:“除了精湛的表演,她还诠释出的独一无二的浪漫主义”。
除了作为小提琴独奏家和室内音乐家的繁忙职业生涯外,李京宣还从事丰富的教学工作。 2001年秋季她成为欧柏林音乐学院小提琴助理教授,2006年秋季她正式就职于休斯顿大学副教授,自 2009 年起她开始担任首尔国立大学教授。除此之外,她还在阿斯彭音乐学院夏校教授大师课,并参与了西雅图室内音乐节、科德角室内音乐节、德克萨斯音乐节和韩国釜山音乐节。李京宣还曾担任韩国锦湖四重奏和韩亚航四重奏的小提琴演奏员,并在世界各地举办巡回演出。近年来,她还被要求担任瑞士国际小提琴比赛、首尔国际比赛和俄罗斯西伯利亚国际比赛等国际小提琴赛事的评委。
李京宣曾就读于首尔国立大学、皮博迪音乐学院和茱莉亚音乐学院,她曾师从小提琴家金南允、西尔维娅·罗森伯格、罗伯特·曼、多萝西·德莱、孝康等人。她目前演奏瓜奈利小提琴可追溯到1723 年。自 2015 年起,李京宣担任首尔音乐家室内乐团的音乐总监。